Get your website indexed and crawled: (a must for all website owners)
What exactly is page indexing?
So you’ve created a gleaming new web page, filled it with beautiful content and stunning images, and you’re ecstatic about it. You pressed the ‘publish’ button, and lo! Your website is now live on the internet, so you can relax and enjoy all of the good traffic and potential customers that it can bring you.
Is that correct?
Just because your website is accessible on the internet does not imply that it has been indexed. But what does indexed on the internet even mean and how on earth can you find out (apart from y’know, Googling yourself and scrolling forevermore trying to find your listing; which I don’t recommend.
Indexing a webpage on search engines like Google is similar to indexing a book in a library. You need to log it with the librarian, aka the Google Bots, then the Google Bots can start to figure out what the page is about (hello keywords, hello rich, useful content) and start to rank you accordingly. If you skip the indexing step, Google may opt not to index your page. Don’t assume that since you hit publish, it will be searchable.
There are several ways to see if your website has been indexed.
To see if your web page is indexed, use the Search Operator.
This is a quick way to test if your pages have been indexed, although it is not suitable for huge websites with many pages. Go to Google and type in: (replace the with your actual web address).
This will provide a list of all the pages that have been indexed. Have you seen them all? Good, now get on with your day. Can’t see all of them? They haven’t been indexed, then. Oh, well.
This means you’ll need to employ my favourite SEO tool, Google Search Console, my buddy.
How to verify indexing using Google Search Console.
This useful website, created by Google, provides you with all the information you need to understand how your website performs and is on Google. It is an SEO’s best buddy and should be yours as well. If you aren’t using Google Search Console, you are missing out on a wealth of information as well as potentially a few web disasters. Then you’d best get started.
The first step is to log in to your Google Search Console (aka GSC), or if you don’t have one, create one and install the code on your website. Check this out: Google offers a great guide that you may use to do this.
Using the URL inspection tool and Google Search Console. Google does not have the error URL.
To begin, go to the URL inspection tab. Enter the URL to be checked and press the return key.
If you notice this message, it implies your URL hasn’t been indexed by Google. That implies it can’t be found through organic searches, which is a major issue.
Simply click the ‘TEST LIVE URL’ button and wait for Google to run it’s live URL test. Thereafter, click on the ‘REQUEST INDEXING’ button to request that Google index your content. However, keep checking back because Google does not always index even after a prompt.
How to Locate All Excluded Pages in Google Search Console
If this is your first time using Google Search Console, or if you’ve never given your account much thought, you can also find a list of all of your excluded pages there.
Go to ‘coverage’ and choose ‘excluded.’ All of your omitted pages from the Google index may be found here. Here you will find a list of pages and the reasons why they have not been indexed.
Take a look around, decide which pages you want indexed, and then follow the steps below to get your web pages ranked.
Why is Google not indexing my pages?
There are several reasons why Google will not index sites, which is all part of the exciting world of SEO. The following are the most prevalent reasons why Google refuses to index your pages:
Robot.txt is being blocked.
Check that you haven’t unintentionally requested that Google not index your page. Check your CMS to ensure there is no robot blocking code or a button accidentally turned on in your backend that prevents it from being indexed.
It does not need indexing.
Some pages do not require indexing, and Google is rather adept at determining this. Examine the URLs that haven’t been indexed in your coverage pane. If they have format=rss, tags, index, etc., they don’t need to be indexed, therefore disregard them.
Duplicate and thin content
If your page has little to no content or duplicate content, Google will ignore it and assume the first page with the duplicate content is the original (and therefore the best). Make sure your page has high-quality content that is distinct from the rest of your website. This is especially crucial when it comes to local SEO and ranking for various local locales.
There is no sitemap.
Would you embark on a road trip if you didn’t have a map? Then you should not submit a website that does not have a sitemap. A sitemap is required by search engines to help them understand your website, and it is especially important if you have a complex website with many layers. Every time you add a new page, you must update your sitemap in GSC.
There are no internal connections.
Internal linking is popular with search engines and consumers alike. Making use of good internal links to relevant content not only helps users navigate around your website it also helps search engines understand your website, that’s essential if you want to be indexed and ranked as well.
How can I determine whether a page on my website has been indexed?
How to Determine Whether Your Website Has Been Indexed by Google Search Console
Return to the Google Search Console and the URl examination tool. Enter your URL and press the return key. A cheerful green check indicates that your web page has been indexed. Hurrah!
Google Crawls Websites in What Way?
When most individuals consider search engine optimization, they focus on keywords and content. Few realise the significance of understanding your crawlability budget and how it can help you not only get your pages indexed, but also keep them updated with new and fresh content.
In this digital world, every edge counts. You’re vying for consumers, leads, and important search page real estate. Your rivals are doing everything they can, and you should as well.
We’ve put together a guide to explain what a crawl budget is, why it’s important for SEO, and how frequently Google crawls websites. Let’s get started!
What Exactly Is a Crawl Budget?
Have you ever wondered how Google and other search engines index sites in order for them to show in search results? Each search engine employs “bots” or “spiders” to scour the Internet, inspecting web pages, indexing them, and ranking them in response to various search queries. This is defined by Google as “the amount of URLs Googlebot can and wants to crawl.”
A search engine’s purpose is to present searchers with the best possible results for their searches. They accomplish this by crawling and analysing website pages. Bots crawl pages, make copies, and index them in search engines. The graphic below puts everything into perspective.
Why is crawling essential for your website?
According to Google, it is normal for not all of a website’s pages to be indexed because there are billions of pages on the web and some sites will inevitably be missed. Google provides webmasters with a checklist for ensuring that their website appears in search results and is indexed.
Here’s a fast way to see if your page is indexed: Navigate to your website’s URL and enter If anything similar to the following shows on Google, you’re set to go. If not, you should utilise Google Search Console’s URL inspection tool to index your page/website.
So, ideally, you now understand the distinction between indexing and crawling and what it implies for your website. Finally, the goal is to have any important page that you want to rank for crawled and indexed in Google’s database so that it can rank for search queries.
Also, if you make changes to your page, search engines will not record them until the page is crawled again with the new updates. It preserves the previously indexed page till then.
Small sites with a few pages don’t usually have to worry about indexing, but large sites with thousands of pages must optimise their crawl budget to maximise their visibility within Google.
Crawl Demand and Crawl Rate Limit
A crawl budget is further subdivided into two sections: crawl rate limit and crawl demand. The bots’ purpose is to crawl the site without interfering with the user experience. For example, they don’t want to crawl your site so frequently that it causes timed out servers and causes your customers to leave.
The crawl rate limit refers to the maximum number of concurrent connections that Google bots can have when crawling the site. The rate limit is not fixed and might alter depending on a variety of circumstances. If the site responds quickly, the limit is raised. If the site is low, the crawl rate might be reduced to ensure that clients can readily access the site.
You can also set a limit in Google Search Console, but remember that increasing the crawl rate does not guarantee that your site will be crawled more frequently. It simply restricts the amount of queries it makes in order to keep your site running smoothly.
The crawl demand reflects how popular the URL is in searches as well as its staleness. Staleness prevents URLs from being uncrawled in the index for too long. Certain large events, such as site migration, might boost crawl demand as Google attempts to index all new pages.
Why is SEO Crawling Important?
You can have the best content available that meets all of Google’s requirements for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, but no one will see it if it isn’t indexed. Large sites with thousands of pages may exceed the crawl budget, implying that search engines will only crawl a portion of the pages and not all of them.
As a result, pages are not indexed. Customers would only be able to see such pages if they visited the site and found their way there organically. In an ideal world, all users would discover a website like that, but let’s be honest…
Certain things might impact your crawl budget when Google attempts to index your sites. A website with a lot of duplicate content, faceted navigation, low-quality spam content, redirect chains and loops, and so on, for example, all consume your crawl budget.
Also, don’t be shocked if you recently uploaded multiple pages that aren’t showing up in search results. It’s possible that Google hasn’t crawled or indexed them yet. You can expedite the process by submitting specific pages for indexing or resubmitting your sitemap via Google Search Console, but this may take days or weeks.
Google Crawls Websites in What Way?
Now that you know what a crawl budget is and how it can affect your SEO, let’s look at how Google and other search engines crawl websites.
Google needs to know what pages are on the Internet in order to index them and provide the best possible results to searchers. Because there is no one repository for all web sites, Google must continually search for new pages to include in the index.
The bots use a variety of strategies to discover new pages. They may discover them when crawling other pages on your site or by following a link from a known page to an unknown page. Owners of websites can submit a sitemap for Google to crawl.
A sitemap is a list of all the pages of a website. You may use Google Search Console to submit the sitemap.
When Google bots find a page, they copy it and analyse the content, images, video files, and code to determine what the page is about and its worth.
After the page has been crawled, examined, and indexed, it must be rated for various keywords. When a user enters a search query, Google uses its vast index and complex algorithm to find the best match for their query.
How Can You Get Google to Index Your Website Quicker?
Google employs a variety of elements to assess crawling. If you want Google to index your pages, make sure you adhere to some of these recommended practises.
If you create a new page, go to Google Search Console and ask Google to crawl and index that page specifically (as previously mentioned). Improve the overall site speed by compressing photos, CSS files, and JavaScript if you want Google to crawl your site and more of your pages.
A speedier site can handle more crawl requests from Google bots, allowing for more pages to be crawled.
You may also make it easy for Google to crawl your site architecture. Google bots do not want to go 10 clicks deep into your website to index your most essential content. If it takes more than three clicks to reach a rank-worthy web page, Google may have difficulty discovering it.
You must streamline your site design so that no page exceeds that limit. There may be situations when this is inevitable, but try to keep it to a minimum.
Crawl errors occur when Google bots crawl your site and encounter an issue. Google Search Console displays crawl error information and allows you to correct them.
They can range from server failures that prevent bots from accessing certain pages to 404 errors.
We discussed the importance of crawl demand earlier, but if your URLs are considered thin content or low value, Google bots are less likely to crawl them or, worse, flag them! Pages with duplicate material, soft mistakes, hacked pages, and spam content are examples of low-value pages.
Improve the popularity of your pages by creating great content that is easy to navigate if you want to use your crawl budget wisely.
Don’t Underestimate the Value of a Crawl Budget
Search engine optimization is complicated, and Google doesn’t make it any easier by altering the regulations on a regular basis. While keywords and content are vital, don’t overlook the importance of optimising your crawl budget. Your website is chock-full of useful information and products, but it’s useless if no one can find it.
One of the most crucial components is to check your Google Search Console on a daily basis. This is a free and helpful tool that may assist you in increasing your crawl budget and getting your content indexed. You may alter your crawl rate based on how many times Googlebots crawled your site in a certain time period.
With so many websites and fierce competition in nearly every niche, a company must use any means necessary to maximise its chances of obtaining leads, customers, and conversions. Make optimising your crawl budget a priority in your SEO efforts.